Why it pays to update

Monetizing with in-game advertising continues to evolve as an emerging ad format. In April, we launched V2.5 of our InGamePlay SDK. Product Manager Herman Khabazov talks about how the latest features maximise monetization and why it’s important for developers to keep pace with in-game developments. with the latest features.
Immersive in-game ads attract premium brand advertisers. This means advertiser requirements around addressability and measurement continually evolve as they look to reach gaming audiences. Industry standards are being updated and programmatic scale requires efficiencies, so our SDK is updated on a regular basis.
Team AdInMo’s founders come from a mobile games publishing background. We get that SDK performance and player experience trump everything; they are our guiding principles. We have a dedicated beta programme to ensure new features are robustly tested looking at everything from player authenticity to no ANRs and monetization uplift.
The release of V2.5.253 this month focused on optimising the ad delivery pipeline from our server to the device to the screen. Game developers who updated on the release date
are seeing increases in their AdInMo ARPDAU of 30% to 300%.
Here’s 5 reasons why it pays to update.
1. User Consent – if you want to monetize EU traffic then it’s essential to pass consent using the IAB’s TCF 2.0 string. If you don’t already use a Consent Management Platform, V2.5 features a plug-in to help you do this. Utilising TCF 2.0 consent will positively impact not just your AdInMo revenue, but ad revenue from all of your AdMon partners
2. We’ve simplified our Ad Placement Types to make design integration easier and link ad placements to the most popular ad sizes. Non-monetizing ad ratios are deprecated so we recommend switching up in your next release: new placements are Portrait, Landscape, Square and TV
3. Don’t worry though, updates to Shrink-To-Fit and other placement settings means these four placement sizes support delivery of all the previously supported ad sizes for both banner and video.
4. Video has at least 3X CPMs. All AdInMo placements natively support image, rich media, and video ad delivery. V2.5 intelligently checks the performance of both game and handset to ensure rich media or video is only served when those ads will have zero impact on game performance.
5. Finally, the latest SDK includes updates to Hybrid-Monetization features CrossPromo and DeveloperDirect. If you’ve not started using these campaign tools yet — check them out!
So, don’t wait — update to our latest SDK today and start earning more from your AdInMo in-game ads right away. If you would like to join our beta-programme for early-access to the release and check out the awesome features in developer including IAPBoost reach out to your AdInMo account manager or support@adinmo.com to be added to the beta test list.
Download the AdInMo’s SDK V2.5
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