What developers think about InGame Advertising

We teamed up with the guys from Pocketgamer.biz to support their annual mobile games developer trends survey. Download our latest paper featuring previously unreleased findings from the study with an exclusive look at the monetization and InGame advertising trends.

  • Business models
  • Monetization strategies
  • Impact of InGame advertising on retention and gameplay
  • Top features when integrating a monetization platform

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Pocket Gamer Connects London

Pocket Gamer Connects London

Team AdInMo can't wait to be back at The Brewery again - the iconic home of Pocket Gamer Connects London.  The team will be there in force, look out for the orange t-shirts! Our CEO Kristan Rivers will be on stage on Day One (Monday 14th Feb, 3PM GMT) discussing What...

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Meet us at Gamesforum Barcelona

Meet us at Gamesforum Barcelona

It's great to be attending live events again and what better place to start than beautiful Barcelona where Gamesforum hosts it’s latest summit on Thursday 10th February? As part of Gamesforum Barcelona, our CEO Kristan Rivers will be discussing ad monetization in free...

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