What developers think about InGame Advertising
We teamed up with the guys from Pocketgamer.biz to support their annual mobile games developer trends survey. Download our latest paper featuring previously unreleased findings from the study with an exclusive look at the monetization and InGame advertising trends.
- Business models
- Monetization strategies
- Impact of InGame advertising on retention and gameplay
- Top features when integrating a monetization platform

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27th April Webinar: Personalizing In-game advertising. Why it’s all about the player
On Wednesday 27th April 2022, we’ll be hosting a free to register webinar with Gamesforum on how leveraging first-party datasets and personalizing ad targeting creates better monetization for publishers and more effectiveness for advertisers. In-game advertising is...
Giving Developers Choice & Control
The benefits of in-game advertising are clear: incremental revenue and a non-interruptive experience for your players. But we know that, for you, it’s in-YOUR-game advertising. This is why our toolset includes features to give developers more control over how...
5th April: Mobile Monetizer Summit
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