What developers think about InGame Advertising

We teamed up with the guys from Pocketgamer.biz to support their annual mobile games developer trends survey. Download our latest paper featuring previously unreleased findings from the study with an exclusive look at the monetization and InGame advertising trends.

  • Business models
  • Monetization strategies
  • Impact of InGame advertising on retention and gameplay
  • Top features when integrating a monetization platform

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AdInMo Developer Shoutout

AdInMo Developer Shoutout

Mobile games development is a fine balance between creating the best games for players and paying the bills. We get it. Here’s our regular check in on some of the latest developers doing just that by increasing monetization while improving the game experience with...

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What’s PlayerDwellTime and why does it matter?

What’s PlayerDwellTime and why does it matter?

Attention gets talked about a lot in advertising, but currently there isn’t a common understanding of what it actually means and how to best measure it. Here, our COO Joanne Lacey looks at how things are shaping up in the attention economy and shares the latest...

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We’re finalist at the Mobile Games Awards!

We’re finalist at the Mobile Games Awards!

We're excited to announce that we've been nominated in the Best Advertising & UA Service category for the upcoming Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards! Team AdInMo would be honored if you could take a moment to vote for us. Whether you appreciate our cutting-edge...

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