We stand with Ukraine

May 13, 2022

Here’s a few of the pictures from our fundraising event in aid of Ukraine and in honour of our teammates displaced across Europe right now.

For those attending it was an emotion-fuelled evening of incredible music, poetry and heart-breaking real stories from the frontline.

In total we’ve now raised £14,048.41. This will be shared across different charities and organisations selected by both our Ukraine and Edinburgh teams.

A wonderfully kind private individual donor has also agreed to match-fund the monies raised with a donation to Save The Children’s Ukraine appeal bringing the final total to over £28,000.

We are so grateful to everyone who supported the evening. Firstly, a HUGE thanks must go to our corporate partners:

Special thanks must also go to Niki King and Alina Bzhezhinska for organising such an amazing line-up and producing a beautiful evening, along with ALL of the talented musicians who gave their time for free. And a big-shout out to Elspeth Murray for MC-ing the evening (and nearly keeping us to time :slightly_smiling_face: ).

It’s fair to say the audience were absolutely blown away by the performances. Thanks also go to Banana Row for donating the backline, The Voodoo Rooms, all the lovely Edinburgh companies who donated raffle prizes, everyone at Team AdInMo in particular Joanne (and her ever-ready event crew Lauren & Marc) and of course each and every person who bought a ticket or made a donation.

Slava Ukraini.

Images by Imagina Studio and Tricia Munoz


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