Team AdInMo’s predictions for 2021

It’s that time of year when it’s normal to reflect, wrap-up the year and make the odd prediction (read: wild stab in the dark) for the next year. 2020 has of course been an exceptional year globally. We all need something to look forward to so we’ve skipped the wrap up and instead give you Team AdInMo’s game predictions for 2021. Full disclaimer – views are their own 🙂
1. We can’t wait for the first true next gen console games to show what Series X/S & PS5 can really do
2. Cyberpunk2077 will be this year’s Fallout76 – rushed out the door barely half baked and ultra buggy to meet a deadline.
3. Outriders from People Can Fly Studios could well be a contender for Game Of The Year
4. There is probably going to be a swell of games adding Ray Tracing into them.
5. However part 2 of this prediction is that everyone will get bored of games with puddles…AM2 come back all is forgotten
6. VR will finally take off thanks to Oculus Quest 2
7. The whole Resident Evil series will be remastered (eventually)
8. The Epic/Apple court case will be settled out of court. Mostly in Epic’s favour, but optically Apple will ensure it looks like a win for them.
9. Meanwhile with Apple’s new M1 chips and Starlink being good enough for competitive games, we might see a renaissance in terms of the number of people who play online via their MacBook Airs.
10. The art of the digital games conventions will be perfected. Following on from Germany’s A Maze festivals will be interactive virtual environments for shows and meetings; almost games themselves.
11. Our founder Kristan will FINALLY complete ALL of the missions and side missions in GTA5

We hope you enjoyed reading our predictions and we’d love to hear your thoughts and predictions! Find us on Twitter and tag us in your own predictions for 2021.
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