Designing for InGamePlay Brand Ads

Designing for InGamePlay Brand Ads Download V3 of our Integration Guide AdInMo’s InGamePlay brand ads are seamlessly integrated into mobile games. Crucially our ads are click-free which means they don’t interrupt gameplay and actually help player retention. It’s a...

More Hyper than Casual: The Changing Face of Hyper Casual Games

More Hyper than Casual: The Changing Face of Hyper Casual Games Featured Images, Left to Right: Fat 2 Fit! (VOODOO, 2021), Count Masters (Freeplay, 2021),  and Run of Life (VOODOO, 2021)   If you’re involved in the mobile games industry, then you won’t have been...

Walking the Walk of Mobile InGame Advertising

Walking the Walk of Mobile InGame Advertising On Wednesday 9th June we will be previewing the results of recent InGamePlay brand advertising campaign with breast cancer charity Walk the Walk to IAB members as part of IAB UK’s Gaming Week. We’re honoured to...