Developers must diversify monetization to survive

Developers must diversify monetization to survive Following the release or our latest multi-format InGamePlay SDK,, spoke to Kristan Rivers about why we’ve added rewarded and audio ads and what this means to changing landscape of in-game advertising....

The Evolution of Gaming: From Niche to Mainstream Ad Powerhouse

The Evolution of Gaming: From Niche to Mainstream Ad Powerhouse AdInMo Advisor, Yasin Dabhelia, explores gaming’s journey towards a mainstream media channel and how brands are recognizing its potential as a vital component of their marketing strategies, particularly...

Introducing Immersive In-Game Audio Ads

Introducing Immersive In-Game Audio Ads In the fast-evolving landscape of digital advertising, innovative and non-intrusive formats are becoming increasingly sought after by both brands and developers. InGamePlay audio ads are available as an exciting new feature of...