(Un)Reachable Markets

(Un)Reachable Markets

How Parade Media used AdInMo to get their TV products in front of elusive audiences.   The Problem  Like most media companies, independent TV distributor Parade Media relies on a multi-channel...

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Why In-Game Advertising Sucks

Why In-Game Advertising Sucks

In-game advertising sucks. That’s not news, but it bears repeating. It doesn’t just suck in the same way that, say, dodgy used car salesmen or “cheese-flavored product” do either, where one party...

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Surviving Gamescom

Surviving Gamescom

Those of us in the games industry and based in the Americas or Asia have probably attended GDC, but many of these folks I’ve spoken to haven’t yet made it to Germany’s Gamescom. This is partly due...

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Survey Says!

Survey Says!

Results from AdInMo’s survey of Digital Natives’ attitudes on mobile game advertising in free-to-play games   Our company, AdInMo, recently conducted a survey which asked a sample of...

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Generation Games

Generation Games

We read headlines about Millennials and Generation Z (Gen Zs) daily, but many people are still not clear about the exact definitions of of these terms. Before shedding light on these groups, let’s...

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