Mobile Games Developer Trends Report 2021
Developer Trends Survey Sponsored by AdInMo
We are delighted to see (for the second year running) this study identify non-interruptive ad formats as the preferred monetization method that most developers will trial in the upcoming months.
Our optimism for the mobile games development industry and the prediction of a bright future haven’t changed and 2021 has been an excellent stepping-stone towards the realization of that vision.
The report contains the results of our most recent survey of the world’s game makers. We’ve broken down the feedback from that survey into six topic areas, shining a light on developers’ current preoccupations.
Vulcron and AdInMo partner to monetize mobile multiplayer game
Developers of hit first person shooter Pixel Strike 3D release Android and IOS updates featuring InGamePlay brand ads. AdInMo, the mobile InGamePlay™ brand advertising platform, today announced a deal with Vulcron to integrate InGamePlay brand ads in its hit...
Fireside Chat @Pocketgamer Digital 6: AdInMo and Impact Unified
Join us on 19th April at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #6 when our CTO, Chris Wright and Hannes Hultgren, CSO from Impact Unified, will be chatting to Dave Bradley from Steel Media to discuss the potential of InGamePlay brand advertising. What is InGamePlay brand...
Mobile Games in a Data Democracy
As technology advances, the role that data plays in game development, particularly for mobile games, has grown to the point where it cannot be ignored; It’s as integral to success in the current climate as any other aspect of development. It’s unsurprising, then, that...