Mobile Games Developer Trends Report 2021

Developer Trends Survey Sponsored by AdInMo

We are delighted to see (for the second year running) this study identify non-interruptive ad formats as the preferred monetization method that most developers will trial in the upcoming months.

Our optimism for the mobile games development industry and the prediction of a bright future haven’t changed and 2021 has been an excellent stepping-stone towards the realization of that vision.

The report contains the results of our most recent survey of the world’s game makers. We’ve broken down the feedback from that survey into six topic areas, shining a light on developers’ current preoccupations.


Player Insights 2021

Player Insights 2021

What do players really think about ads in mobile games? In conjunction with we decided to find out! Whilst advertising is accepted by consumers if they want to play the games they want for free, the number of ads and different ad formats can have a...

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April Developer Shoutout

April Developer Shoutout

Each month we want to give kudos to our developer community. Mobile games development is a fine balance between designing the best games, keeping players happy and paying the bills. We get it. These are the developers pioneering the use of immersive ads in their games...

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Developers want ads that don’t piss players off!

Developers want ads that don’t piss players off!

Our CTO Chris Wright recently took part in a fireside chat at Pocket Gamer Connects to discuss the potential of InGamePlay brand advertising. He was joined by Hannes Hultgren, CSO at Impact Unified and the discussion was moderated by Dave Bradley from Steel Media....

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