Mobile Games Developer Trends Report 2021
Developer Trends Survey Sponsored by AdInMo
We are delighted to see (for the second year running) this study identify non-interruptive ad formats as the preferred monetization method that most developers will trial in the upcoming months.
Our optimism for the mobile games development industry and the prediction of a bright future haven’t changed and 2021 has been an excellent stepping-stone towards the realization of that vision.
The report contains the results of our most recent survey of the world’s game makers. We’ve broken down the feedback from that survey into six topic areas, shining a light on developers’ current preoccupations.
AdInMo Developer Shoutout
We want to give kudos to our developer community. Mobile games development is a fine balance between designing the best games, keeping players happy and paying the bills. In this Quarter 1 2022 edition of the AdInMo Developer Shoutout we’ll be talking about some of...
27th April Webinar: Personalizing In-game advertising. Why it’s all about the player
On Wednesday 27th April 2022, we’ll be hosting a free to register webinar with Gamesforum on how leveraging first-party datasets and personalizing ad targeting creates better monetization for publishers and more effectiveness for advertisers. In-game advertising is...
Giving Developers Choice & Control
The benefits of in-game advertising are clear: incremental revenue and a non-interruptive experience for your players. But we know that, for you, it’s in-YOUR-game advertising. This is why our toolset includes features to give developers more control over how...