Mobile Games Developer Trends Report 2021

Developer Trends Survey Sponsored by AdInMo

We are delighted to see (for the second year running) this study identify non-interruptive ad formats as the preferred monetization method that most developers will trial in the upcoming months.

Our optimism for the mobile games development industry and the prediction of a bright future haven’t changed and 2021 has been an excellent stepping-stone towards the realization of that vision.

The report contains the results of our most recent survey of the world’s game makers. We’ve broken down the feedback from that survey into six topic areas, shining a light on developers’ current preoccupations.


Game Spotlight: Cooking Max from Twizard Studios

Game Spotlight: Cooking Max from Twizard Studios

Twizard Studios are a team of passionate engineers and designers based in Pakistan, specializing in cooking games. Their two titles, Cafe Express and Cooking Max, have seen great success, achieving over 3 million total downloads, ranking the company among the best...

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Maximise Value and Vision with Cross Promotion

Maximise Value and Vision with Cross Promotion

The ability to programmatically deliver brand ads in your game drives monetization and improves player retention; but now you can also use AdInMo’s in-game ad placements to help with your user acquisition. Games are obviously one of the big spenders when it comes to...

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