Meet us at PG Connects London 2024

Jan 17, 2024

Meet Team AdInMo at PG Connects London on 22nd-23rd January 2024!

We’re super excited to be heading to The Brewery next week for Pocket Gamer Connects London. It’s going to be an epic start to events in 2024, and we can’t wait to meet up with our industry pals and dive into all things ad monetization and in-game advertising.

If you’re attending either of the days, drop us an email to book a meeting with one of the team and find out how InGamePlay brand advertising is helping publishers and developers monetize their mobile games.



Considering Simpson’s Paradox in Mobile Advertising

Considering Simpson’s Paradox in Mobile Advertising

Benjamin Disraeli (British Prime Minister 1874–1880) is said to have coined the phrase “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Improper use and understanding of statistics can lead to poor marketing decisions. An example of this...

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Surviving Gamescom

Surviving Gamescom

Those of us in the games industry and based in the Americas or Asia have probably attended GDC, but many of these folks I’ve spoken to haven’t yet made it to Germany’s Gamescom. This is partly due the primarily industry focus of GDC (and the great talks there), vs the...

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Survey Says!

Survey Says!

Results from AdInMo’s survey of Digital Natives’ attitudes on mobile game advertising in free-to-play games   Our company, AdInMo, recently conducted a survey which asked a sample of 150 Millenials (19–35 years old) and Gen Zs (≤18 years old) living in the US and...

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