Meet us at PG Connects London 2024

Jan 17, 2024

Meet Team AdInMo at PG Connects London on 22nd-23rd January 2024!

We’re super excited to be heading to The Brewery next week for Pocket Gamer Connects London. It’s going to be an epic start to events in 2024, and we can’t wait to meet up with our industry pals and dive into all things ad monetization and in-game advertising.

If you’re attending either of the days, drop us an email to book a meeting with one of the team and find out how InGamePlay brand advertising is helping publishers and developers monetize their mobile games.



The Observer Effect – How Clicks Changed Advertising

The Observer Effect – How Clicks Changed Advertising

In physics, the Observer Effect theory tells us that observing a phenomenon necessarily and inevitably causes that phenomenon to change. This most commonly refers to instruments of measurement interfering with the results of an experiment. In advertising, the ways...

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How Dynamic In-Game Ads Change the Game

How Dynamic In-Game Ads Change the Game

Introduction The value of native advertising lies in its adaptation of tradition. These ads bring the strengths of traditional (and more impactful) advertising formats to game worlds populated exclusively by standard digital formats. Billboards, posters and shop...

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