Meet us at PG Connects London 2024

Meet Team AdInMo at PG Connects London on 22nd-23rd January 2024!
We’re super excited to be heading to The Brewery next week for Pocket Gamer Connects London. It’s going to be an epic start to events in 2024, and we can’t wait to meet up with our industry pals and dive into all things ad monetization and in-game advertising.
If you’re attending either of the days, drop us an email to book a meeting with one of the team and find out how InGamePlay brand advertising is helping publishers and developers monetize their mobile games.
Maintaining Player Immersion
In-game ads are, of course, a necessity of business rather than design, but they can still be implemented with a level of artistry, to maintain your creative vision. Player Immersion is one of the most important concepts in game design, and it’s one that traditional...
Making the Jump to Hyper (Casual) Space
Team AdInMo is a big fan of Pocket Gamer Connects (we were at the first one in 2014 in London, back in the days when you could shake hands with people) Last month’s digital version wasn’t quite as much fun, but held just as much insight. Our resident game designer...
What developers think about InGame Advertising
What developers think about InGame Advertising We teamed up with the guys from to support their annual mobile games developer trends survey. Download our latest paper featuring previously unreleased findings from the study with an exclusive look at the...