Meet us at Maximídia 2023

Sep 27, 2023

We’re heading to São Paulo for Maximídia 2023.

It’s a new stop on the AdInMo event tour this October! We’re off to Brazil to attend Maximídia 2023 – one of the biggest digital marketing events in Latin America. 

Our wonderful Senior Sales & Partnerships manager, Manuela Magalhães, will be there from 3rd to 5th October to chat about all things in-game advertising and connect with the innovative marketing and communication leaders in this mobile-first region.

If you’re attending the event, book a meeting with Manuela now. 

Será ótimo poder encontrar nossos parceiros e futuros parceiros! Vamos conversar sobre anúncios in-game?


Developers must diversify monetization to survive

Developers must diversify monetization to survive

Following the release or our latest multi-format InGamePlay SDK,, spoke to Kristan Rivers about why we’ve added rewarded and audio ads and what this means to changing landscape of in-game advertising. This article was written by Paige Cook, Deputy...

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