Meet us at Gamesforum Barcelona

Jan 30, 2023

Meet Team AdInMo at Gamesforum in the beautiful city of Barcelona on 8th and 9th February.

As part of Gamesforum Barcelona, our CEO & Co founder, Kristan Rivers, will be joining fellow monetization experts in audio, in-game and e-commerce: Kate Tempel, Senior Partnerships Manager at Kindred and Ilan Shlafman, Head of Customer Success at Odeeo in a panel dicussion moderated by Vincent Février, Chief Marketing Officer from Tap Nation.

Beyond the Stack: The Incremental Ad Revenue Panel session starts at 12:20pm on day 2 and will include opinions from the panel’s perspectives on how publishers should think using incremental ad formats to increase revenue.

If you are attending the event, book a meeting with one of the AdInMo team or drop us an email to learn more about how immersive InGamePlay brand advertising is helping publishers and developers with new monetisation in F2P mobile games.



AdInMo Developer Shoutout

AdInMo Developer Shoutout

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We’re finalist at the Mobile Games Awards!

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