Five things we’re looking forward to in Cannes
Team AdInMo is heading to Cannes Lions. The ultimate FOMO event for the advertising world and celebration of creativity.
1. We can’t wait to see the shortlist for this year’s Entertainment Lions for Gaming… although do hope one day we’re all gathering in Cannes celebrating creative in-game campaigns not just ads for games.
2. Our CEO Kristan Rivers is speaking at a roundtable hosted by our lovely partners Iion discussing Why Game Advertising is THE Attention-Centric Media Frontier.
3. Lots of chat / eyerolling about cookieless future. Shout out to Adform for flying the flag for deprecation.
4. Meeting lots of partners and future partners to chat how best to engage player audiences – contact us here
5. Equativ Cannes Run Club. 7AM. Honest.
If you are attending the event and would like to have a chat with one of the team, please drop us an email. We hope to see you there.
Trend or Table-stakes? Have your say on the future of Hybrid Monetization in Gaming
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AdInMo Developer Shoutout
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Developers must diversify monetization to survive
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