Meet Team AdInMo at Gamesforum London

Sep 3, 2021 | Events, News

Team AdInMo is really excited to be attending Gamesforum London IN PERSON! We’re looking forward to connecting with industry peers for a focused day of discussion on mobile game ad monetization. 

Our CEO Kristan Rivers will be part of one of the key discussions of the day: Ad Monetisation in a Post IDFA Era and how InGamePlay advertising is helping publishers and developers with new monetisation.

John Wright – Panel Moderator

Head of Operations at Luna Labs

Kristan Rivers 

CEO & Founder at AdInMo

Vincent Fevrier

VP of Monetisation at TapNation

Felix Braberg 

Director of Ad Monetisation at N3twork



AdInMo Developer Shoutout

AdInMo Developer Shoutout

Check out these top-notch mobile games that are turning in-game advertising into an art form!  InGamePlay integrations from NOXGAMES, Promotion Software and Smokoko are visual proof ads can actually enhance gameplay, as well as providing incremental revenue.  Let's...

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Five things we’re looking forward to in Cannes

Five things we’re looking forward to in Cannes

Team AdInMo is heading to Cannes Lions. The ultimate FOMO event for the advertising world and celebration of creativity.   1. We can’t wait to see the shortlist for this year’s Entertainment Lions for Gaming… although do hope one day we’re all gathering in Cannes...

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