Meet AdInMo at the HyperCasual Games Conference 2021

We are back and looking forward to the HyperCasual Games Conference. We’ve got some great sessions throughout the event and the AdInMo sales & design teams will be available to chat about all things InGamePlay.
- Thursday Session – 8:30 – 9 AM BST – Designing InGame Ads and why they are perfect for hyper casual games.
Our resident Head of Game Design, Nathan Ball, will be sharing best practice recommendations for developers looking to integrate in-game advertising into their games.
Imagine if you could have the best of both worlds: Strong monetization and ads that don’t annoy your players. InGamePlay brand advertising is served directly into the gameplay itself seamlessly integrated like any other game object.
This session walks you through best practices when designing in-game ad placements. Learn about the key principles behind generating viewable ad impressions and how to optimize your ad monetization without impacting churn.
- Friday Session – 10:30 – 11:30 AM BST – Games Marketing 2021: Advertising & Monetisation
Our CTO Chris Wright joins a fantastic panel line-up featuring AppLovin, Espresso Publishing, and AudioMob.
InSideInGameInSights with Valerio Sudrio, Director of Product Management at Usercentrics
GDPR has been around for a while now, but often remains the domain of DPOs, lawyers and marketing types. However, understanding data protection regulatory frameworks and managing user consent is also a crucial aspect of app monetization. Episode 5 of...
Meet us at PG Connects Helsinki 2023
Next stop for Team AdInMo is Helsinki on 12th to 13th September. We've just about recovered from Gamescom in time to pack our bags for PG Connects Helsinki 2023. As always we're looking forward to rubbing shoulders with top industry experts & thought leaders and...
Gamescom 2023: Not the year of anything?
Another year, another hot Gamescom 2023 in Cologne. Everyone has their personal event-tips and mine is ‘you must ALWAYS click the “air conditioning” checkbox when booking your Gamescom room’, as like my home of Texas there is no alternative in Cologne in August. If...