Player Insights 2021

May 28, 2021 | Developer, Insights

What do players really think about ads in mobile games? In conjunction with we decided to find out! Whilst advertising is accepted by consumers if they want to play the games they want for free, the number of ads and different ad formats can have a detrimental effect on the player experience. Here are some of the key takeaways.


PG .biz Roundtable: The New Rules Of In-Game Advertising

PG .biz Roundtable: The New Rules Of In-Game Advertising

In this year’s Pocketgamer Mobile Games Developer Trend Report new monetization models were named as the number one priority in the 12 months ahead with 46.3% developers citing dynamic InGame advertising as a key opportunity for 2021. AdInMo is hosting a roundtable to...

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Mobile Games Developer Trends Survey 2020: 10 key takeaways

Mobile Games Developer Trends Survey 2020: 10 key takeaways

What a year it’s been! First developers and publishers had to navigate the global pandemic. Then came the IDFApocalypse!   To try to make sense of 2020 and understand what lies ahead, AdInMo has partnered with to bring you the Mobile Games Developer...

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Revenue Optimization: ARPDAU and ImpDAU

Revenue Optimization: ARPDAU and ImpDAU

For mobile game developers, revenue optimization is of course always top of mind. AdInMo pays developers monthly, based on an impression volume. Our dashboards report several key metrics including eCPM, but when you consider the question “how much additional revenue...

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