The Multi-Faceted Matter of Mobile Monetisation

Aug 10, 2021 | Events, Insights

Last month our CTO Chris Wright took part in a lively panel discussion with a stellar cross-section of industry talent at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7. The panel was moderated by Dimoso Founder Jacki Vause, and addressed the topic of ‘How to Optimise Revenue and Retention for your games’. This subject was ripe for interesting discussion and debate, and offered viewers a panoramic look at the current state of monetisation in mobile games.

The panel consisted of the following industry professionals:

  • Dean Day: Founder and CEO of Greenlight Games – “If you have a good game that retains well, keep the ads, don’t sell them off cheap.”

  • Dan Anahory: Head of Business Development and Co-Founder at Real Media Now, a company that develops in-game help videos for mobile games that feature advertising – “Integrated ads seem to be the way things are going. Because they don’t interrupt the gameplay, there’s a clear value exchange there.”

  • Elad Levy: Founder and CEO of Dive, a consultancy that helps game studios with Live Ops – “When you build a game, first of all it should be fun… monetisation will follow.”

  • Philipp J. Karstaedt: CEO and Co-Founder of Meta Games, a Game Development Studio focussed on Esports – “Making games is an art, but if you want to make money off of them, you need to apply a business mindset.”

  • Chris Wright: CTO at AdInMo – “Monetisation and Game Design are not separate things; they need to be considered together.”

You can view the full panel video below, and follow it through to the PocketGamerbiz Youtube channel to watch other panels and talks from Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7.


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