A/B Testing Your InGamePlay Placements

Feb 26, 2025

Testing InGamePlay ad placements to understand the full potential and optimize implementation is always recommended.

You can enable sandbox mode for device testing and set-up A/B tests to understand impact on your key metrics. Here’s a useful case study from our partners SuperScale and the classic game Tiny Tower.

Technical Implementation

 InGamePlay ads were seamlessly integrated into Tiny Tower’s game world to ensure they felt natural and non-intrusive. The placements were strategically selected to enhance the game’s aesthetic rather than detract from it. SuperScale is using InGamePlay to monetize through ads and help drive IAP conversion using our IAPBoost(™) tool.


The Tests

The following KPIs were tracked to measure the effectiveness and impact of the in-game placements in managed A/B tests

  • Ad engagement
  • Player retention
  • In-game spending

Test 1 was to validate the placement did not have a negative experience of player experience and was carried out on new players only.

A second A/B test involved all players of Tiny Towers to understand monetization and player engagement.  

The Outcomes:

The A/B tests confirmed there was no negative impact on retention among either new or existing players. The tests found positive impact across all KPIs including ARPDAU, IAP conversion and retention.


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