InGamePlay 3.0
Intrinsic in-game advertising drives new revenue and improves the player experience because immersive ad placements don’t interrupt gameplay. Our single SDK supports multi-format placements including audio, display, video and rewarded. Placements can be clickable or non-clickable for different ad campaigns. InGamePlay 3.0 supports hybrid monetization and features such as CrossPromo help with player retention. Rethink your in-game strategy today.
Monetize with InGamePlay
Incremental Revenue
Increase your ARPDAU by 10% – 20% while improving the player experience
Audio + Display + Rewarded + Video
Easy Integration
Drag & drop placements. Works alongside existing monetization SDKs
Ad Monetisation
Campaigns: Monetize with brand and performance campaigns
Monetize with InGamePlay
Incremental Revenue
Increase your ARPDAU by 10% – 20% while improving the player experience
Audio + Display + Rewarded + Video
Easy Integration
Drag & drop placements. Works alongside existing monetization SDKs
Ad Monetisation
Campaigns: Monetize with brand and performance campaigns
Products & Features
AdInMo’s SDK supports Unity and Unreal game engines for both Android and iOS as well as Windows (PC). It is fully optimized for mobile; performant and lightweight with choice & control optimization tools.
AdInMo Developer Portal
Optiomize in-game placements, check performance dashboards and manage your own campaigns.
Standard Ad Formats
Display and video ads available in multiple ratios mapped to populate IAB ad sizes.