What developers think about InGame Advertising

We teamed up with the guys from Pocketgamer.biz to support their annual mobile games developer trends survey. Download our latest paper featuring previously unreleased findings from the study with an exclusive look at the monetization and InGame advertising trends.

  • Business models
  • Monetization strategies
  • Impact of InGame advertising on retention and gameplay
  • Top features when integrating a monetization platform

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A/B Testing Your InGamePlay Placements

A/B Testing Your InGamePlay Placements

Testing InGamePlay ad placements to understand the full potential and optimize implementation is always recommended. You can enable sandbox mode for device testing and set-up A/B tests to understand impact on your key metrics. Here’s a useful case study from our...

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Beyond Banner Ads Part 3: Advanced Use Cases

Beyond Banner Ads Part 3: Advanced Use Cases

AdInMo Advisor Tiffany Keller continues to put monetization theory into practice reviewing top hybrid casual game Wordscapes with analysis on the use of Ad Removal IAPs and double stacking ad units I’ll continue my meditation on the oft underestimated humble banner ad...

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